Have you recently received a positive pregnancy test? Are you unsure if you need an ultrasound?
While an ultrasound scan is a great way to learn more about your unique pregnancy and health conditions, it can also be a life-saving tool for some women, especially those who are considering abortion!
An Ultrasound Will Determine the Gestational Age of Your Pregnancy
If you’re considering abortion, take time to explore your options and determine whether or not the process is safe for you.
Because some abortion procedures are only available during certain stages of pregnancy, it’s important that you determine the gestational age of your pregnancy before seeking termination.
For example, taking the abortion pill past 70 days of gestation can lead to an incomplete abortion, which can cause infection, sepsis, and hemorrhaging if left untreated.
Even if you think you have a general idea of your potential due date, an ultrasound is required to know exactly when your pregnancy was conceived and how far along you are.
An Ultrasound Will Identify if There is an Ectopic Pregnancy
If you’re considering abortion, it’s important to first rule out certain health conditions, such as ectopic pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancies are pregnancies that are developing outside of the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes. Not only are these pregnancies non-viable, but they can also be life-threatening to the women if left untreated.
An ultrasound will allow your doctor to get a better picture of what’s happening inside of your uterus and ensure there are no conditions that need to be treated or addressed before you make a decision for your pregnancy. Check out our post that goes in-depth on how ultrasounds work.
Schedule a Free Ultrasound Today!
In addition to helping you narrow down your pregnancy options and identifying any potentially dangerous conditions, ultrasounds are simply a great way to gather more information about your pregnancy in order to make an informed and knowledgeable choice.
At Cleburne Pregnancy Center, your health and wellbeing are at the center of everything we do. That’s why we provide women like you with free lab-quality pregnancy testing, ultrasound scans, information regarding abortion options, community resource referrals, and more!
Schedule your appointment today!