With so many different types of viral, bacterial, and parasital (from parasites) STDs/STIs, it can cause one to wonder just how accurate STD tests are. Typically these tests are very accurate. The difference may lie in if the test was administered at home versus with a local health professional or clinic.
False Positives
While false positives are rare, they can happen. To be sure that you get the most accurate results from an STD test, it is recommended to have the test administered by medical professionals. Contact your local clinic or medical professional if you feel you have received a false positive or inaccurate result.
What Are STDs/STIs?
A sexually transmitted disease (STD) or infection (STI) can be extremely damaging to your health, especially long-term. While they are generally transmitted through sexual contact, STDs/STIs can be passed on to others during pregnancy, childbirth, blood transfusions, or shared needles.
Some STDs/STIs may not even show symptoms, so it’s possible to contract a disease or infection from someone that may seem perfectly healthy.
If you are at risk for STD/STIs, getting tested and receiving any treatment needed to protect your health and well-being for your future is important and should be considered.
Signs and Symptoms
According to the Mayo Clinic, some indications of possible STD/STI include:
- Sores or bumps on the genitals or in the oral or rectal area
- Painful or burning urination
- Discharge from the penis
- Unusual or odorous vaginal discharge
- Unusual vaginal bleeding
- Pain during sex
- Sore, swollen lymph nodes, particularly in the groin but sometimes more widespread
- Lower abdominal pain
- Fever
- A rash over the trunk, hands, or feet
Where Can I Go?
With free and confidential limited STI testing, we can help ensure you receive the care you need. Contact us today to receive convenient and accurate results.
Note: We only administer free STI testing to women for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Additional tests requested may be administered upon receipt of a lab fee.